Delta Matrix | Agile Performance Metrics

Agile Performance Metrics

Written by Ned Kremic 




The QSM Associates in their "Agile Impact Report, Proven Performance Metrics from the Agile Enterprise" have assessed the performance of Agile development projects against a database of 8,000+ primarily traditional development project in three key areas: productivity, time-to-market and quality.  


The results were that teams using Agile were 50% faster to market, 25% more productive, with one quarter the number of defects. 


Is it true? And if it is, why? 


Our own experience working on software projects in several different industries, prove those results. Even more, in some instances with mature agile teams we have achieved outstanding results that are even better than those reported in Agile Impact Report". 


The intention behind this study is to analyze the industry results from respected resources such as QSM Associates, Standish Group – Chaos Reports (2002 -2010) and cross-reference them with our own data. 


The second part of the study is to analyze how traditional waterfall and agile environments are influencing human behavior to produce those results. 


Ned Kremic is Project Management (PMP) and Agile/Lean (CSM/CSP) Consultant based in Toronto, Ontario.

His mission is to help progressive organizations seeking high-impact results, to radically improve productivity, time-to-market and quality for software development. 

He was instrumental in building and leading the high-performance teams that were utilizing the best technology practices, combined with advanced agile software development processes and achieved outstanding results that outperformed not only the traditional projects in corporate portfolios, but rather the industry average performance results of the other agile projects.

Your best chance to succeed with transition to Agile/Lean development and management process and achieve exceptional performance results is with somebody who has successfully done it over and over again.
Explore this site, and if you are ready to go from good to great, and you think that Ned might be right for your organization to show you the way to get there, please give us a call.